Course Requirements in Industrial Economics


Foundation Courses

ECON 509 Mathematical Economics (I)

ECON 506 Econometrics (Il)

ECON 507 Time Series Analysis

ECON 504 Industrial Organization

ECON 513 Public Finance

ECON 511 International Monetary Theory (I)

ITR 501 International Trade Theory (I)

The doctoral program in Industrial Economics specialization consists mainly of three stages: core preparation, primary and secondary field requirements, and the writing of a dissertation. In addition, each student must complete a course in Contemporary Economic Thought.

The objective of the core courses is to provide student with a solid theoretical foundation in mainstream economics, and the techniques by which data are assembled, evaluate and analyzed. The core courses will not be waived. The qualifying exams will cover the material in ECON 600 and ECON 601. Students may be allowed to start taking the core courses before completing certain foundation courses. ECON 504 ECON 513, ECON 511 and ITR 501 may be taken concurrently with any of the three core courses. ECON 506 and ECON 507 may be taken concurrently with ECON 600 and ECON 510, but must be taken before taking ECON 601.? ECON 509 is a prerequisite for all the three cores. Students may consult with the Director of the PhD Program to work out the study plan.


Core Courses

ECON 600 Microeconomic Theory

ECON 605 Macroeconomic Theory

ECON 601 Advanced Econometrics

ECON 654 Industrial Organization

ECON680 Research Methodology


Field Courses

In addition to the core courses, each student in economics specialization must select three economics courses as his/her primary field: Industrial Organization.Of the three courses chosen, at least one should be at 600 level. The primary field should lead to the writing of a dissertation. A comprehensive examination will be given for one of the primary field courses.

In addition to the primary field, students are required to choose at least two courses as their secondary field. The secondary field requirement must be satisfied by passing the examinations with grades of 70 or higher.

The recommended list of fields includes:


 1. Regulatory Economics

 2. International Trade Theory

 3. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

 4. Public Economics

 5. Development Economic

 6. Agricultural Economics

 7. Welfare Economics

 8. International Monetary Theory

 9. Finance

 10. Chinese Economy

 11. Urban and Regional Economics

 12. Political Economy

 13. Telecommunication Economics


In choosing the secondary field courses, students should note that the subject chosen should have a significant underlying body of literature and be broad enough to be recognizable as an area for teaching and research.


The PhD Qualifying Examination

Upon successful completion of the core and primary field courses, students must take the Qualifying Examination. The examination consists of three subjects: ECON600, ECON 601 and one IO course chosen by the student.? The PhD Qualifying Examination is held twice a year in April and October.